os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com Messaggio archiviato #5785 | torna alla lista |
Lewis G Rosenthal wrote::-) It's not such a big globe, after all...
On 09/18/07 03:29 pm, Andy Willis thus wrote :Ha! I don't need to follow it necessarily... the one that posted is the one that asked me. I had pointed her to some of the ThinkWiki info.
Does anyone know if the 1802 error plagues the Lenovo 3000 series?Looks like someone else is asking this question: http://www.command-tab.com/2006/02/26/unauthorized-wireless-cards/#comment-130350. You might want to keep an eye on the comment over there to see about an answer to your question.
I found one site that suggests it does but as it is in German I am relying on translation program site
ThinkWiki has some brief mention of the 3000 series, but the article is only a brief overview of available models. These have not been linked to the 1802 page (as yet).
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