os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com Messaggio archiviato #5798 | torna alla lista |
Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:Quick follow-up:
On 08/29/07 11:50 am, Andy Willis thus wrote :You have to have APM.sys and Max Perf? Mine is fine with either/or (and both is fine too).
Neil Waldhauer wrote:Ditto on the T43 with the 2915ABG. APM.SYS needs to be loaded and Max Perf in BIOS.
My wireless adapter failed at the last BayWarp meeting. It seems I forgot toMy T42 with the Intel 2200BG behaves like that unless APM.sys is setup. If APM is not setup (for instance using ACPI instead) it behaves this way. Without APM installed the only way I can use the card while on wireless is by changing the power settings in the BIOS. Configure - Power - Battery Optimized changed to Automatic or Maximum Performance. If you have APM installed and it doesn't work for that card then you should be able to boot with the Automatic or Maximum Performance and then use the Power widget to drop to Battery Optimized after booting up.
bring the power adapter. No problem, I thought, I'll just run on battery.
But the Wireless adapter didn't init -- XWLAN said no card detected. I got
home, plugged it in, and then the Wireless adapter worked normally.
I can unplug it, and it works OK. But if I boot on battery, it doesn't work.
The notebook is a Thinkpad T43. The adapter is an Intel 2915 ABG.
Any ideas for making it work on battery?
I've had no success as yet with even the latest ACPI & APM.ADD drivers (20070817). This is some of the stuff I think we'll be discussing at Warpstock this year, as we've all had issues with power mgmt, hidden SSID/encryption oddities, and the like.
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