Hallo Jan,
On Sat, 05 Jan 2008 19:50:49 +0100, Jan van Wijk wrote:
I have Peer working on my R60, this laptop has the same WIFI chipset.
I can connect to my desktop PC with eCS and windows and to my NAS with Samba.
>Thinkpad T60p connected over wireless, can NOT
>connect to a share on other OS/2 or MAC (samba).
>TCPIP by itself works OK.
I can use TCPBEUI from OS/2 and the Samba plugin with Netdrive. I'm
still at the RC2 level of eCS and my Genmac drivers are at the 2.1
>Of course the same adapter works just fine
>under Windows-XP, and can connect to the other
>OS/2 and MAC systems just fine over SMB.
>Tested with PEER and SAMBA client (eCS evfs.ifs)
I use the fullversion of Netdrive, so I don't have any experience
with this plugin.
>The userid's and passwords on both sides are the same.
That should work.
>'net use': NET2758, which indicates an access problem
>'net view': SYS0005: Access denied
>This is with eCS RC4, and its Genmac, the installed
>driver is the 'netw3x32.sys' for the 3945 abg chipset.
>The driver is dated Februari 27, 2007 and is 5 months
>NEWER than the one installed in Windows XP.
I'm using the same driver.
>TCPIP works just fine, including internet access.
>The systems use a Linksys 54G wireless router with
>WPA-PSK encryption enabled.
>As said, the wireless itself seems to work just fine,
>since TCPIP connectivity is no problem. Pinging the
>other machines, the Internet, and Firefox all work.
>Looks like some IBMLAN problem to me.
>Could there be conflicts with the SAMBA client and PEER ?
>This 'EVFS.IFS' is installed (and does not connect either)
I'm going to sent you my ini files. Maybe you find something
that's different.