os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com Messaggio archiviato #6052 | torna alla lista |
On Mon, May 07, 2007 at 09:21:48PM +1000, Ed Durrant wrote:The requirement is to have a Windows ME system talk to an OS/2 Warp Server system.
AHA ! - So this is DOS Networking ! Not TCPBEUI. Install NetBEUI and use the IBM login client (or the servolution one) to log in to Warp Server - don't worry about SAMBA. If you must use SAMBA, you'll need to go and look for SAMBA client support for Win ME/9x.
If the windows box is a Vista box - good luck - there are a lot of new problems with that.Windows ME.
As I understood it Samba provided a seemless replacement for Microsoft's file and print server, which suggests that no additional software is required on a Windows client... Have I got this wrong?
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