X-Account-Key: account1 X-UIDL: 93431 X-Mozilla-Keys: Return-Path: X-ListServer: CommuniGate Pro LIST 5.1.3 List-Unsubscribe: List-ID: List-Archive: Precedence: list Message-ID: Reply-To: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" Sender: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" To: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" From: "Hakan" Date: Sun, 06 May 2007 18:36:50 -0400 (EDT) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" X-Original-Message-ID: <0MKp8S-1HkpLY3ppJ-00033Y@mrelay.perfora.net> Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless] ThinkPad DVD Writer Problem Lewis, Interspersed follow my setup strings: > From CONFIG.SYS: > >DEVICE=C:\OS2\BOOT\JJSCDROM.DMD /V /FC+ /FX+ /FM+ /R:1 /W > >[...] > >BASEDEV=DANIATAP.FLT /EJ /A:1 /U:0 /TYPE:ZWL /RSJ > >[...] DEVICE=C:\OS2\BOOT\OS2CDROM.DMD /Q IFS=C:\OS2\BOOT\CDFS.IFS /Q /W DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VCDROM.SYS BASEDEV=IBMATAPI.FLT > >REM *** RSJ CD-Writer File System *** >BASEDEV=LOCKCDR.FLT >REM BASEDEV=RSJIDECD.FLT >DEVICE=J:\CDWFS\RSJSCSI.SYS >IFS=J:\CDWFS\CDWFS.IFS >RUN=J:\CDWFS\CDWFSD.EXE -p "C:/VAR/TEMP" -c80000 -b16384 -t2 -i3 -s0 >REM *** RSJ CD-Writer File System *** > REM *** RSJ CD-Writer File System *** BASEDEV=OS2ASPI.DMD BASEDEV=LOCKCDR.FLT DEVICE=C:\CDWFS\RSJSCSI.SYS IFS=C:\CDWFS\CDWFS.IFS RUN=C:\CDWFS\CDWFSD.EXE -p "C:/TEMP" -c20000 -b2048 -t2 -i3 -s0 REM Did you install the DANI driver on your own? BTW, I am running eCS 1.2R (or is it MR? I can never tell them apart.) Hakan =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to To switch to the INDEX mode, E-mail to Send administrative queries to To subscribe (new addresses), E-mail to: and reply to the confirmation email. Web archives are publicly available at: http://lists.2rosenthals.com This list is hosted by Rosenthal & Rosenthal, LLC P.O. Box 281, Deer Park, NY 11729-0281. Non- electronic communications related to content contained in these messages should be directed to the above address. (CAN-SPAM Act of 2003) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=