Mailing List Archived Message #6112

From: "Ed Durrant" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless] Re: wireless usb modem
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2009 16:48:11 +1000
To: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <>

Will Honea wrote:
** Reply to message from "os24u" <> on Sat,
11 Jul 2009 19:00:43 MST

More offers each day for wireless internet access using a usb modem usually from cel phone providers.

1. Can such modem be used with OS/2 based OS? 2. If so, is something more than usb base com driver required?
3. What are these modems similar to regarding connection:  cable-dhcp, dsl-ppoe, etc
4. If unable directly with OS/2 could a windoze laptop be used to run the modem
hooked to a router for our fav OS?
5. Are claimed speeds reasonably reliable on such modems?

Can't speak to OS/2 usability, but on a more general level look VERY closely at
the terms!  I had a friend over tonight who uses Verizon with one on Windows
and even at the lowest data transfer speed and smallest d/l allocation it was
pretty expensive - at least on a par with my DSL line plus ISP for nearly ten
times the speed and unlimited transfers.  Do the math on your usage before you
leap into it.

This is a repeated e-mail, I think there have already been a few responses posted (including mine). Is there a problem with the list server?



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