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Od: "Lewis G Rosenthal" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> Glava
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Zadeva: Re: [OS2Wireless] Re: Is there such a device?
Datum: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 10:08:49 -0400
Za: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>

On 08/23/09 05:36 pm, Ed Durrant thus wrote :
Just a thought - Didn't FX communications (Injoy people) have an OS/2 VPN client that talks to Cisco etc?

Per my response to Hakan, yes, Ed, the InJoy Firewall ships with an IPSec VPN client. They have several How-Tos relating to different VPN setups available on their site, as well. I just haven't been able to test it against Astaro as yet, but I will as soon as I'm able.

While in theory, *all* IPSec VPNs *should* be able to communicate with one another, I ran into a situation last week when trying to set up a site-to-site link between an Astaro and a Fortinet FortiGate 60 which I have yet to resolve. They simply would not (will not) negotiate the connection. Thus, I'm more of the opinion that these are still somewhat dependent upon vendor implementation than upon the actual RFC's (Astaro uses Openswan, I believe, which is pretty much standards-adherent, AFAIK).
Hakan wrote:
Hi Lewis, What are the chances to connect to a large corporation's
server using the OS/2 VPN client? Even if the OS/2 version would work
with OpenVPN, would it work with other VPN "servers"?

On Sat, 22 Aug 2009 13:38:31 -0400, Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:



Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE
Rosenthal & Rosenthal, LLC                www.2rosenthals.com
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