Mailing List Archived Message #6165

From: Ed Durrant Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless] OT: OpenVPN for OS/2 (was: Re: [OS2Wireless] Re: Is there such a device?)
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 20:20:03 +1000
To: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List

Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:
Some clarifying, perhaps... (and my own lack of changing the subject line the last time around didn't help):

On 08/24/09 09:01 pm, Doug LaRue thus wrote :
** Reply to message from "Ed Durrant" <> on Tue, 25 Aug 2009 07:02:08 +1000

While the WRT54G as a basic network device works fine with OS/2 (I have been using one as my main router here for many years), my question was related to an OS/2 VPN client - from what Lewis says  the VPN support in the WRT54G (even flashed with the DD-WRT firmware) does not have an OS/2 compatible client that is able to access the system from another location via the Internet.

I couldn't dig up the previous comments regarding openvpn on OS/2 or eCS
but I did google for it and found a statement which said that openvpn was
ported to OS/2. As Hobbes list it, it's 3 years old but here's the link:

maybe what was said regarded backward compatibility.
Pasha's port (available on Hobbes) works quite well between OS/2 machines, using TAP mode in the included TAP/TUN driver. As that was all the functionality Pasha required for simple OS/2-OS/2 communications, he left off the development of the tunneling portion (TUN) of his driver. Thus, his port is suitable for a limited number of applications.

When attempting to use it to connect to a Linux server (firewall) running OpenVPN, I was first stuck with a situation where the client would not pause to allow the entry of a password from the command line (Pasha's instructions were to include the username and password in the config file, which is hardly secure, particularly in plain text). Paul Smedley built a new port of OpenVPN, and did indeed manage to fix the password prompt issue. However, without a working TUN driver, we only have half of the solution (the water without the glass, or vice-versa). I can now establish a connection, but I cannot pass any traffic through it. This, of course, is farther than I got with Pasha's original port, but still not usable for a real world situation.

OK, perhaps not such a good solution then .....




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