os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com ?????????????? ????? #622

???: "Lewis G Rosenthal" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> ?? ????
??: Re: [OS2Wireless]Re: OT: broadband connection issues
??: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 16:41:51 -0500
??: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>

On 01/30/07 01:43 pm, Doug LaRue thus wrote :
** Reply to message from "Will Honea" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 11:13:32 -0700

The cost of updating
one of the clients (a  small church) to Vista is prohibitive when you factor in
all the associated programs that will also need updating.  Office2000 to
Office2007 for them is eye-watering!

The worth thing about this "new OS" is that customers will find it difficult to NOT
get the product on a new computer and that infection will cost extra. At the
very least, they'll have to pay to purchase and install the version/OS they are
currently standardized on. Can you say, 'thank you sir, may I have another'? :-/

I had lunch wth a client today who is researching new laptops (he's a Windows user). He discovered this past weekend that BestBuy is apparently "upgrading" in-stock machines to Vista (you know, just becasue the sticker says "Ready for Vista" doesn't really mean that it's "ready for Vista"...). I think M$, concerned by the poor adoption of Windows retail and upgrade licenses during the XP rollout phase, has taken a stronger position on pushing Vista onto new hardware.

Still, when we have clients who require Windows, we use W2K Pro. I don't see a real change in that strategy for some time to come. Heck, I can still get new DOS licenses if I need them...

Closer to topic: Has anyone heard of any better built-in Wi-Fi management in Vista vs XP? I was never able to effectively manage Wi-Fi connections for clients' machines using the built-in manager in XP (Access Connections is the killer app on ThinkPads running Windows, hands down). I'm interested to see if there are any features there (in Vista's Wi-Fi profile mangement) which may be of interest to Christian for XWLAN (see how we can bring a non-OS/2 topic back on track?). :-)

Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE
Rosenthal & Rosenthal, LLC
Accountants / Network Consultants
 New York / Northern Virginia           www.2rosenthals.com
eComStation Consultants                  www.ecomstation.com
Novell Users Int'l       www.novell.com/openenterpriseserver
Need a managed Wi-Fi hotspot?               www.hautspot.com

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