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To: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless] Re: Perhaps it is time to fix it?
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Ed Durrant wrote:
> John Clemente wrote:
>> Ed Durrant wrote:
>>> John Clemente wrote:
>>>> Gentleman all:
>>>> I have been reading the "Is there such a device?" thread since Jim 
>>>> S.'s first post a month ago in hopes of picking up enough 
>>>> information about router architecture to help me successfully 
>>>> connect my TP42 P to routers using encryption when booted to either 
>>>> RC3 or RC5.  I would rather work these thing out my self and not 
>>>> have to ask the dumb question if at all possible.
>>>> While the "such a device" discussion was a mile wide and my 
>>>> understanding of it perhaps an inch deep, if that, I found it 
>>>> interesting and did pick up some hints.   In the hope that the 
>>>> problem is something simple I am missing or that a small change to 
>>>> the DHCP configuration file will solve the problem here it goes.
>>>> First, I can connect freely to all open routers in hot spots 
>>>> throughout the country without any problem.  That said, I am often 
>>>> at locations where routers are encrypted and the owners give me the 
>>>> WEP password to permit me to connect.  The routers are usually 
>>>> various models of NETGEAR or Linksys.
>>>> Although I think I have used every possible variation offered by 
>>>> the Wireless LAN Monitor v. 3.10 I have never succeeded in getting 
>>>> a WEP connection.  The passwords are usually ten number/letter 
>>>> combinations which I deduce are for 64 bit encryption.  The 
>>>> passwords work in XP when I boot to it and in the i-phone with no 
>>>> problem.
>>>> One variation will get me an IP to the LAN in Ecs but not any 
>>>> traffic over the WAN - internet.  If I set up a profile for the 
>>>> location and specify an IP  (select "manually" rather than DHCP on 
>>>> the TCP/IP tab) the router then gives me that IP, but I can not 
>>>> then transfer any data to the internet, although I can get to the 
>>>> router setup page and other locations inside the LAN. Can anyone 
>>>> shine a light on what I am doing wrong?
>>>> Regards
>>>> John Clemente
>>>> Albany, NY
>>> Can you please state which version of GenMAC you are using and what 
>>> the WLAN in your system is.
>> I am using GenMac 2.2.0 and the card is a mini PCI intel 2200 WLan
>>> If you are not using the latest version (2.2 I think) of GenMAC that 
>>> could be the issue and I remember a long time ago there were some 
>>> problems with hardware compatibility between some models of Thinkpad 
>>> Intel WLAN cards and Linksys routers when running in WEP mode. If 
>>> however you have Windoze on this system and it connects OK,  that 
>>> would rule out this hardware problem .
> It was the Intel 2200BG that had the problem in the early days but if 
> you're using GenMAC 2.2, I think we can rule this issue out.
>> Yes XP does connect as does the i-phone
> I mean XP on the SAME MACHINE, not in general (i.e. using the same 
> card in the same machine) - or do you only have eCS on this laptop?
Yes it is the same machine.  There are three bootable partitions -- XP  
-- Ecs RC3 --- Ecs RC5
>>> With a WEP key, there is an option to generate the key from a 
>>> passphrase as well as entering in the long list of characters and 
>>> numbers - which method are you using?
>> I tried both,  entering the paraphrase in Key #1 and generating with 
>> the paraphrase using using  Neesus Datacom  generator
>>> One last point - are you sure that the routers are using WEP not WPA ?
>> No but I tried all four options without success using DCHP
> If the encryption is not set correctly you will get what appear to be 
> communications set up errors.
No errors are reported... All you see is the "configuring tcpip"  icon 
but you never get an IP.  It just sits there
>>> Windows will sense and switch, with GenMAC/XWLAN you must select the 
>>> correct option, WEP64, WEP128, WPA1 or WPA2. These last two options 
>>> also have two more options with them TKIP and Shared key (I think).
>> I did not try Tkip or Shared key as I did not understand them
>  Well to set up WPA you need to select one of them - try one then the 
> other.
These encrypted routers are usually "out of the box"  and most of these 
owners would have no idea how modify the factory default 
configurations.  They do not even change the default login... or 
password... as I can always get into the configuration screens.  Would 
you know what is the default encryption for the out of the box Linksys 
or NETGEAR $80 or $100 router?   I suspect it is WEP but on the next 
occasion I will fool more with WAP and it's options.
>>> Get any of the  combinations different and you will either not 
>>> connect or connect but not be able to send traffic.
>>> The WPA options are only available with the WPA supplicant that 
>>> comes with the latest versions of GenMAC.
>> The Supplicant is loaded but I do not understand what it does 
>> although I have selected the view option
> OK, you don't need the view option set. But are there WPA options 
> displayed in the pull down menu on the encryption page.
I'll check
>>> I'd leave the card set to DHCP,  don't set a static IP address.
>> As I said earlier I tried both and did get an IP with the paraphrase  
>> and static IP.  but I had no Wlan data moving.
> Yes this all sounds to me like the wrong kind of encryption set up.
Is there a good "how to" or FAQ on how to set up encryption in the 
Wireless Lan Monitor?
>> Regards,
>> John Clemente