Mailing List Archived Message #6228

From: "Ed Durrant" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless] Re: Perhaps it is time to fix it?
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 15:33:00 +1000
To: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <>

John Clemente wrote:

If the encryption is not set correctly you will get what appear to be communications set up errors.
No errors are reported... All you see is the "configuring tcpip"  icon but you never get an IP.  It just sits there
Nothing will be reported, however if you look at IP configuration and traffic, it will look like a lack of connectivity, even though a connection is shown.
 Well to set up WPA you need to select one of them - try one then the other.
These encrypted routers are usually "out of the box"  and most of these owners would have no idea how modify the factory default configurations.  They do not even change the default login... or password... as I can always get into the configuration screens.  Would you know what is the default encryption for the out of the box Linksys or NETGEAR $80 or $100 router?   I suspect it is WEP but on the next occasion I will fool more with WAP and it's options.

 NO NO NO - Out of the box there is NO ENCRYPTION SET AT ALL! That's why there are so many open Wifi routers about!  In fact I have read that in the US, you are now committing a crime by having an open router!!  The point being that criminals (drug dealers, bank robbers, spammers etc.) can use an open wifi router to communicate through and they can't be traced.

Get any of the  combinations different and you will either not connect or connect but not be able to send traffic.

The WPA options are only available with the WPA supplicant that comes with the latest versions of GenMAC.
The Supplicant is loaded but I do not understand what it does although I have selected the view option
OK, you don't need the view option set. But are there WPA options displayed in the pull down menu on the encryption page.
I'll check

Is there a good "how to" or FAQ on how to set up encryption in the Wireless Lan Monitor?

Let me know if you find one - I looked a while ago but without any success.

John Clemente



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