os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com ?????????????? ????? #6324

???: "Stuart Updike" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> ?? ????
??: Re: [OS2Wireless] Re: Cannot get DHCP
??: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 18:51:15 -0500
??: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>

Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:

Thus, the E100B driver is bound to lan0 and the IBM Prism driver is
bound to lan1.
I understand.

Please ensure that you have *no* entries for lan1 in your TCP/IP
configuration notebook.
XWLAN should manage this entirely on its own.
Could you please follow-up with a copy of \MPTN\BIN\SETUP.CMD as well
route -fh
arp -f
ifconfig lo
REM ifconfig lan0
REM ifconfig lan1
REM ifconfig lan2
REM ifconfig lan3
REM ifconfig lan4
REM ifconfig lan5
REM ifconfig lan6
REM ifconfig lan7
dhcpstrt -i lan0 -d 0
REM ifconfig sl0

#   Default DHCP Client configuration file -- dhcpcd.cfg
#   This file must be placed in the directory specified by the ETC
#   environment variable.
#   This file contains directives that can be specified to configure the
#   DHCP client.
#   A line starting with a '#' character is a comment and is ignored.
#   A '#' on a line which is not part of a quoted string indicates that
#   anything to the right of this character is a comment and should
#   be ignored.
#   A continuation character of '\' is supported.  It must be the last
#   non-whitespace character on the line prior to any comments. It should
#   not be used in the updateDNS line.
#   The directives are specified in the form of
# <keyword> <value1> ... <valueN>.
#   Here is a list of all the keywords whose value can be specified
#   in this file:
#   Keyword          Effect
#   ------------- ---------------------------------------------------
#   numLogFiles      The number of log files desired.
#   logFileSize      The size of log files in K bytes.
#   logFileName      The name of the most recent log file.
#   logItem          One item to be logged.
#   interface        The network interface that needs DHCP configuration
#   clientid         Specifies the client id included in all packets to
#                    the server.
#   updateDNSA       A command string to execute to cause the DNS server
#                    to be updated with the new IP address for the
#                    given name.
#   option           An option requested by this client
#   vendor           A vendor extension option
#   reject           An option to be ignored if sent by a server
#   otherOptions     Whether to process options not specifically
#                    requested or rejected in this client config file
#  Log files:  This set of parameters specifies the log files that will be
#  maintained by this server.  Each parameter is identified by a keyword
#  and followed by its value.
#  Keyword     Value       Definition
#  --------    --------- ----------------------------------------
#  numLogFiles 0 to n      number of log files.  If 0 is specified,
#                          no log file will be maintained & no log
#                          message  is displayed anywhere. n is the
#                          maximum number of log files maintained.
#                          As the size of the most recent log file
#                          reaches its maximum size, a new log file
#                          is created.
#  logFileSize K bytes     maximum size of a log file.  When the
#                          size of the most recent log file
#                          reaches this value, it is renamed and a
#                          new log file is created.
#  logFileName file path   name of the most recent log file.  Less
#                          recent log files have the number 1 to
#                          (n - 1) appended to their names; the
#                          larger the number, the less recent the file.
#  logItem     SYSERR      Log system errors.
#              OBJERR      Log object errors between objects in the process.
#              PROTERR     Log protocol errors between client and server.
#              WARNING     Log warnings deserving attention from the user.
#              EVENT       Log events that occur to the process.
#              ACTION      Log actions taken by the process.
#              INFO        Log information that might be useful.
#              ACNTING     Log who was served when.
#              TRACE       Log code flow for debugging.
#                          By default, logging is turned off.
#  Network interface.  This parameter specifies a network interface
#  that needs DHCP configuration.  The keyword and its values are as
#  follows:
#  Keyword    Value        Definition
#  --------   --------- ---------------------------------------
#  interface <ifName>     DHCP interface.  ifName is the name of
#                          the network interface.
#  Other keywords:
#  clientid   MAC          The client id to use in all communication
#                          with the server.  The clientid value should
#                          always be MAC, denoting that the hardware address
#                          for the particular interface should be used as
#                          the client id.
#  updateDNSA exec string  A string enclosed in quotes to indicate the
#                          program to execute to update the DDNS server
#                          with the new IP address for the given name.
#                          Only one updateDNS string is allowed in this file.
#                          If multiple instances occur, the last one found
#                          in the file will be used.
#                          The string should include four %s's to indicate
#                          the placement of the following information from
#                          the dhcp client:
#                          host name This is the value of option 12. If
# the client specified a value in this
# file, it is used else the value
# returned by the server is used.  If
# neither the client specified a
# requested hostname nor the server
# supplied one, this exec string will
# not be executed.
#                          domain name This is the value of option 15. If
# the client specified a value (in THIS
# file) the client requested value is
# used. If neither the client specified
#                                      a requested domain nor the server
# supplied one, a null string ("") will
# be supplied.
#                          IP Address This is the IP address leased to
# this client by the server. The string
# is supplied in dotted notation, i.e.,
#                          leasetime This is the lease time granted by the
# server. This string is a decimal
# number representing the number of
# seconds of the lease.
#                          These values are substituted for the %s's in the
#                          following order:
#                             host name  domain name  IP Address  leasetime
#     Example of updateDNS usage:
#        This example updateDNS string
#           updateDNSA "nsupdate -h%s -d%s -s"d;a;*;a;a;%s;s;%s;3110400;q" -q"
#        translates into this nsupdate command:
#           nsupdate -h%banana -d%fruit.com -s"d;a;*;a;a;;s;3600;
#                 3110400;q" -q
#        Note: The options within "" are the actual command operation on the
#              DDNS server. The  -h and -d specify the host name and domain
#              name. The -q is for quiet mode.
#  option <code> [<value>] [exec <string>]
#                          An option requested by this client.
# <code> is the option code of the option requested.
# <value> is the requested value for that option.
#                          This value is passed to the server with the
#                          option.  The value is not required.
#                          The keyword exec denotes that the <string> that
#                          follows should be executed if this option is
#                          returned by the DHCP server. This string is
#                          expected to be an executable shell script or
#                          program. If a "%s" is included in the string,
#                          the value returned by the server will be
#                          substituted in ASCII.
#                          The format of the value depends on the option.
#                          Options specified in the DHCP and Bootp vendor
#                          extension RFC will be passed in their defined
#                          format. Others will be passed as a hex stream.
#                          e.g. hex "C8 04 01 02 03 04"
#                          By default, the exec command is executed
#                          synchronously with the main thread of the DHCP
#                          client.  For example,
#                             option 200  exec "test.cmd %s"
#                          passes the value returned by the server to test.cmd.
#                          To execute the commands ASYNCHRONOUSLY, place a @
#                          before the command. For example,
#                             option 200 exec "@test.cmd %s"
#  vendor                  Special syntax for the specification of the
#                          vendor extensions field.  It is followed by a
#                          set of curly braces.  Inside the curly braces,
#                          the options and values for the vendor extensions
#                          field are specified.  An exec function for the
#                          vendor option should be placed on the same line
#                          as the "vendor" keyword, using the same syntax
#                          as on the other option lines. An exec string on
#                          an option inside the vendor extensions options
#                          is not valid.  It is ignored.
#  reject <code>       Specifies that if this option code is returned
#                          by the server, this option should be ignored by
#                          the client. Its value should not be used.
#  otherOptions   accept or reject
#                          Specifies how all other options should be handled
#                          by the client.  This refers to any options not
#                          specifically requested with an "option" statement
#                          or rejected with a "reject" statement.  The default
#                          is that all options are accepted.
#  ifconfig_options "<options>"
#                          Specifies the options and flags to be used to
#                          ifconfig the interface. This refers to the
#                          the options which can be specified by the
#                          ifconfig command. For example,
# ifconfig_options "802.3 -icmpred"

# Basic options required

clientid   MAC

interface lan0

# Uncomment as desired for logging

#numLogFiles   4
#logFileSize   100
#logFileName   dhcpcd.log
#logItem       SYSERR
#logItem       OBJERR
#logItem       PROTERR
#logItem       WARNING
#logItem       EVENT
#logItem       ACTION
#logItem       INFO
#logItem       ACNTING
#logItem       TRACE

# The following are requested for interoperability with some servers which
# need explicit requests.

option 1  # Subnet Mask
option 3  # Router
option 6  # Domain Name Server
option 15  # Domain Name
option 28  # Broadcast Address
option 33  # Static Routes
option 60 "IBMWARP_V4.1"  # Vendor Class
option 77 "IBMWARP_V4.1"  # User Class

#updateDNSA "nsupdate -h%s -d%s -s"d;a;*;a;a;%s;s;%s;3110400;q" -q"

# The following are options for which IBM supplies an instantiation script,
# dhcplpr.cmd, to automatically configure the remote print application
# with a printer and server name. Uncomment them if desired.

#option 9   exec "dhcplpr.cmd 9 %s"   # Default LPR Server
#option 200 exec "dhcplpr.cmd 200 %s"   # Default LPR Printer
option 12 STUS-T23     # Hostname
option 12 STUS-T23     # Hostname

This is surely an odd one. The IBM prism driver is quite old, too,
though I don't really suspect that that's the cause of this. If it
were just an XWLAN thing, then I might lean in that direction (some
lack of proper functionality for XWLAN to adequately see the device),
but at the command line, it should behave. The dhcpmon -t command
kills the DHCP client daemon, allowing it to switch to a different
interface via the -i parameter.

Thank you again for your help!


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