List Arkiverade meddelande #6354

Från: "Lewis G Rosenthal" <> Meddelandehuvud
Oavkodat meddelande
Ämne: Re: [OS2Wireless] Re: Wireless extension to LAN
Datum: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 20:06:57 -0400
Till: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <>


On Thu, 15 Oct 2009 15:01:41 -0700 "Ray Davison" <> wrote:
>Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:
>> It sounds to me like an address conflict. Are you *certain* that you
>> have no other device with the same static IP on either end of the link
>> as the G?
>G should be the first and only device here with a fixed IP.
That doesn't mean that there still isn't a conflict somewhere. I mentioned static IP, but if the address conflicts with something already assigned by DHCP, the result is the same.

What's your DHCP range?

>> With the G turned off, can you ping its address and get any
>> response (telltale sign)?
>I couldn't get any response with it turned ON.
That's not what I asked. ;-) If two devices are on the same IP address, it is likely that you wil not get a response when they are both turned on. They may both respond to the ping, but your sation may not receive the reply.

However, with one - and only one - device powered on, you *should* get a response. If the G is OFF, and you were to get a response on that address, it indicates that something *else* is listening on it. That would, therefore, point to an address conflict when the G is turned ON.

Also, try flushing your arp cache before pinging:

arp -f (OS/2; I can't recall Windows, but instead of "flush," the command "deletes all" - perhaps arp /d *)

>> If using WPA or WPA2, you should enable broadcast of the
>I followed this.
>"Wireless Tab — Basic Settings Subtab
>       5. Wireless SSID Broadcast is not relevant in Client Bridge mode."
>Also, I do not find  SSID Broadcast in DD-WRT as configured.
No, SSID broadcast in the GS. The G is acting like a client, a broadscasting is irrelevant as such. Only APs broadcast (or not).

>> log into the G and look at your connected devices. Make sure they're all there, and
>> that nothing has a conflicting address (it shouldn't, or it wouldn't likely be listed).
>Look where?
On the status page, you can see all connected devices.

This thread is moving rapidly from OT to TOT. If there's no objection, considering the hardware & firmware we're discussing, we'll continue. Otherwise, we should take this off-list.

Lewis G Rosenthal
Rosenthal a Rosenthal, LLC
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