Mailing List Archived Message #6439

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Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless] Re: How secure is POTS?
Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 17:38:46 +0100 (CET)
To: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <>

On Sun, November 15, 2009 5:16 pm, Thomas Dennis wrote:
> Srtgray and All others listening in:
> I'm a transplanted American living in Germany.
> Mobile phone numbers start with 016, 017, 018 and no area code is
> required.
> My handy number is usable all over Europe.  If I cross any boarders, a
> call to my handy number
> will still reach me.
> The telephone companies have covered Europe with a bunch of low power
> transcievers to make
> this all possible.  How they make the connection to POTS I can't say.
> Why would anybody want to do something like that?
> Is T-Online (the telephone company) affected by it?
> Thomas
You still need the country though, right?  If I want to dial you, I'd have
to add +49 in front of your mobile number?

BTW I am a transplanted Briton living in North Switzerland  :)

As for why the telco does this, I don't know.  My guess it is just a SNAFU
at the exchange.


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