Mailing List Archived Message #6443

From: "Stuart Updike" <> Full Headers
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Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless] Re: Cannot get DHCP - The Outcome
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 02:27:23 -0600
To: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <>

Well, it appears that the problem was my router coupled with a few problems that Al Heath found in my setup.

Here's a little more information that I posted on Genmac and will submit as a ticket for RC7:

I recently purchased a T23 which came with a built-in wireless Prism card. After installing RC7 on it and discovered that the UNIAUD driver would not load and the multimedia sound was inoperative. Initially, I thought the problem was bad hardware.

I had a number of problems with wireless that appear now to have been caused by my router, not my software. In sorting that out, I changed from the Prism to an Intel 2200 b/g. The Intel card is now working flawlessly thanks to a visit from Al Heath! However, the sound system continued to be inoperative.

For a reason I cannot remember now, I reverted to an earlier CONFIG.SYS that I had used with the Prism card. Genmac could not find the card, but the sound system worked! So, it was not a hardware problem after all.

Finally, tonight I sorted the CONFIG.SYS that worked with the Intel card using Doug Bissett's Logical Config.Sys Sort. Now I have music with my wireless.

Several of my problems over the years have come from improperly sequenced  CONFIG.SYS statements set up during the OS installation procedure.

Thank you Doug for your sorter.

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