Mailing List Archived Message #6454

From: "Lewis G Rosenthal" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless] Wireless LAN Monitor problems
Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2009 15:47:58 -0500
To: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <>

Hi, Greggory. Some thoughts, below:

On 11/27/09 07:09 pm, Greggory D Shaw thus wrote :
In have a Dell Latitude D810, with a Card,Wireless,Mini Pci Card
1370,Broadcom Corporation. I have eCom 2.0 RC6a installed and I finally
got the wireless card working, with a few problems.

1) I have to use the command line utilities from GenMac. to connect the
wireless router.
    a) ssid -wep 0x123456xxxxxxx
    b) ssid -ssid  ssidname
    c) then use Wireless LAN Monitor to connect, select Public hotspot
=> scan for hotspots=>select my wireless network.

2) The wireless network is an old type A, 11Mb. -  WEP  128bit. Does the  Wireless LAN Monitor  work  with this setup.

Type 802.11a is 54Mbps, not 11. However, the more appropriate question is whether XWLAN supports your card. What driver are you using?
3) What I want is to be able to connect at Starbuck or any public hot
spot using DHCP.  My onborad LAN is LAN0 and the wireless is LAN1.

4) I have no experience with setting up wireless on OS/2 and any help
would be welcome!

5) I don't care about the Wireless A setup, only using DHCP with
Starbucks at public hotspot.(no encryption ).

If you are using the GenMAC driver, then the latest XWLAN should support it. If not, there is a good chance that you may have to use an older version of XWLAN, and even then, it may or may not work for that card. However, this can be scripted so that it can be done with a couple of clicks. XWLAN is just so much nicer.

If you can run pci -s and post the PCI ID string of the wireless card, as well as which driver you are using for it, that would be extremely helpful.


Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE
Rosenthal & Rosenthal, LLC      
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