Mailing List Archived Message #6455

From: "Ed Durrant" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless] Re: Wireless LAN Monitor problems
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2009 05:45:54 +1100
To: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <>

Greggory D Shaw wrote:

You are right about it being 802.11B, but the problem is that I need
LAN1 (wireless) activated on startup with DHCP for starbucks (public no

There is just a configuration problem with Wireless LAN Monitor for my
system eCom rc6a.

1) Have onborand Nic (LAN0) and wireless (LAN1).
2) How to activated LAN1 with DHCP

There is a restriction in OS/2 and eCS that you cannot permanently have two LAN ports with DHCP addresses. One approach is to have your local LAN port configured with a Static IP address and the WLAN with DHCP.

One of the main reasons for using the XWLAN widget however is that it takes care of this for you. I can be configured so that when you start the widget (which can be automatic at start up) it adjusts the IP settings to check that you are not accessing the same network with both your LAN and WLAN connections (and in this case asks which to disable) and then starts up configuration of the WLAN card (normally using DHCP as you don't know what address range is being used  at a hotspot). XWLAN allows you to create profiles that on startup of the widget, if it finds a matching network it will use automatically. It also has the option to scan for hotspots and connect.

So in fact XWLAN is exactly the tool you need for what you are trying to do! In theory you could leave your LAN also set to DHCP and XWLAN will handle disabling that if needed but I prefer to set my LAN address, since I know the subnet it is on to a static address (note you also need to set DNS and default router/gateway address when you set a static IP address).



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