Mailing List Archived Message #6456

From: "Greggory D Shaw" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless] Re: Wireless LAN Monitor problems
Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2009 16:13:55 -0600
To: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <>

Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:
> Hi, Greggory. Some thoughts, below:
> On 11/27/09 07:09 pm, Greggory D Shaw thus wrote :
>> In have a Dell Latitude D810, with a Card,Wireless,Mini Pci Card
>> 1370,Broadcom Corporation. I have eCom 2.0 RC6a installed and I finally
>> got the wireless card working, with a few problems.
>> 1) I have to use the command line utilities from GenMac. to connect the
>> wireless router.
>>     a) ssid -wep 0x123456xxxxxxx
>>     b) ssid -ssid  ssidname
>>     c) then use Wireless LAN Monitor to connect, select Public hotspot
>> => scan for hotspots=>select my wireless network.
>> 2) The wireless network is an old type A, 11Mb. -  WEP  128bit. Does
>> the  Wireless LAN Monitor  work  with this setup.
> Type 802.11a is 54Mbps, not 11. However, the more appropriate question
> is whether XWLAN supports your card. What driver are you using?
>> 3) What I want is to be able to connect at Starbuck or any public hot
>> spot using DHCP.  My onborad LAN is LAN0 and the wireless is LAN1.
>> 4) I have no experience with setting up wireless on OS/2 and any help
>> would be welcome!
>> 5) I don't care about the Wireless A setup, only using DHCP with
>> Starbucks at public hotspot.(no encryption ).
> If you are using the GenMAC driver, then the latest XWLAN should
> support it. If not, there is a good chance that you may have to use an
> older version of XWLAN, and even then, it may or may not work for that
> card. However, this can be scripted so that it can be done with a
> couple of clicks. XWLAN is just so much nicer.
> If you can run pci -s and post the PCI ID string of the wireless card,
> as well as which driver you are using for it, that would be extremely
> helpful.
> Cheers/2
Here is the output from PCI.EXE -s:

Vendor 14E4h Broadcom Corp
Device 4318h BCM4309 802.11a/b/g
Subsystem ID 00051028h Unknown
Subsystem Vendor 1028h Dell Computer Corp

Output from scan (Genmac);

Dev-Name        : WRND32$
Nif-Name        : W14E4X4318.NIF
Lan-Number      : lan1
Link-Status     : 0x4001000b
Link-Status-CHG : 3
Mac-Address (AP): 00223FD74294  "jrHome" P 1 Rssi -90 NetT 3 Channel 1
Infr 1 Ra
te B-1 B-2 B-5 B-11 18 24 36 54 6 9 12 48
Mac-Address (AP): 00121716676E  "sxwamp" P 1 Rssi -45 NetT 1 Channel 6
Infr 1 Ra
te B-1 B-2 5 11
Media-Connect   : CONNECTED
LinkSpeed       : 11 MBit/s
BSSID           : 00121716676E
Infrastructure  : 0x1  (INFRASTRUCTURE)
Encryption      : 0x0  (ENABLED)
Authentication  : 0x0  (OPEN)
SSID            : "sxwamp"
802.1x Ready    : 0

After I manually add the Wep key, ssid, XWLAN show green connect icon.
So, XWLAN works, does anyone have a script to start dhcp and configure
wirless setup?


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