This is a question I've had in mind for a long time, but this
list should be a much better place to ask than what previously
turned up in my attempts to research it.
The computers I've been using more than any others, over the
last few years, are a couple models of the Shuttle XPC series.
(SFF -- small form factor -- about the size of two shoeboxes,
stacked.) They each have one free PCI slot, and that's it.
I could have put conventional wireless NIC cards in, choosing
ones that were also supported for eCS, but I didn't. In one,
I reserved that single slot for other use. The other one has
a higher performance video card that is effectively a "1.5" --
not the double-wide kind, but still thick enough to compromise
use of the adjacent PCI slot.
My solution was to use an external, thumb-drive style NIC-stick.
This gave me very convenient internet access, but only on the
Dark Side. (I've used different ones -- like from Hawking --
that were based on Atheros, Broadcom, or Zydax chipsets.) I
did read my way through those websites that compile the wireless-
NICs-for-OS/2 info, but what I found there indicated that support
for this type of NIC under OS/2 | eCS was going to be a non-
starter. They are apparently a special case that does not fall
within the umbrella of Genmac. There were some Alpha or Beta
drivers for Linux in circulation, but that appeared to be as close
as we could get, i.e. not very. I'm not going to be coding or
porting any drivers in the forseeable future.
So, I was wondering if anyone on the list might just happen to
know of some NIC-stick model I'm unaware of, that _has_ been
made to work under eCS ?
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