Mailing List Archived Message #6498

From: "Sam Lewis" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless] Re: More than 1GB of RAM
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 00:06:38 -0600
To: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <>

On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 11:11 PM, Bob
<> wrote:
> ** Reply to message from "Sam Lewis" <> on
> Mon, 28 Dec 2009 22:21:06 -0600
>> I got tired of people who use outlook thinking that I just sent their
>> email back and didn't bother to scroll down to see what I wrote.
> Some people are too lazy to learn or do what is neccessary.  I don't care about
> them and for some people I delete their email unread.

Well when in the workplace where you have no choice but to use Outlook
and the people there think that is the only email reader that exists
you have to communicate the way they do.  Or the job doesn't get done.

>>  Now
>> with the lack of a real email client on most OS's it's almost
>> impossible to quote someone elses message and reply inline and most
>> people don't know that is what you are doing.
> Only command line email clients have that problem.  Using any GUI email client
> replying inline is very easy.

I'm referring to the disappearance of email clients altogether.  Right
now I'm using Google's Web based mail reader because google doesn't
support email clients correctly.

>> So I started typing my message at the top.  I do miss the good old
>> days of the fidonet groups and my silver express reader.
> Top posting will get your email deleted by some people that may have the
> information you need.

Yeah well, I just need to remember the audience.  The folks on this
list don't suffer from what I am complaining about.  I just need to
remember that.

Take Care,

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