Mailing List Archived Message #65

From: Jeffrey Race Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless] VOT (very off-topic)
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2008 09:36:17 +0700
To: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List
Cc: Jeffrey Race

It'll work fine. At audio frequencies the impedance characteristics
of the coax are unimportant over this short distance.  Just make
sure the plastic sheath is in good condition so there is no
leakage to ground as this would unbalance the two wires (called
'tip' and 'ring') to ground which balance is very important.  If you
have a digital multimeter measure this resistance of both
sheath and center conductor to your house ground.  If over
ten megohms (the test standard) you will be fine.   If less, you
might get some hum.

Jeffrey Race, today in Bangkok Thailand
USA tieline (rings at Bangkok residence)
             TIME ZONE GMT +7
-------------+1 617 395-4111------------

Tel +66 2 291-2235   Fax +66 2 688-4540
Tel +66 86 709-7645    Skype: camblab

On Sat, 09 Feb 2008 16:16:07 -0800, Mark Henigan wrote:

>A very off-topic question aimed at anyone on the
>list with telco experience.
>I have a second phone line to install that only
>needs to run to one room.  There is already an
>unused coaxial cable from a previous installation
>by a cable TV company connecting the area of the
>junction box to that room.  The incoming phone
>line is only a two-wire connection.  Would the
>impedance/capacitance/inductive load of the coax
>be compatible with a telephone connection?  I'm
>trying to save the trouble of installing
>additional premises wiring in a house that we
>rent.  Making adapters to allow modular
>connectors to interface with the coax is no
>problem for me so long as the characteristics
>of the line would allow it.
>- Mark
>Mark Henigan
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