Archivovaná správa #6514 diskusnej skupiny

Od: "Jan van Wijk" <> Celá hlavi?ka
Nedekódovaná správa
Hlavi?ka: Intel Wifi 5300 chipset supported ?
Dátum: di, 02 feb 2010 21:41:59 +0100
Komu: "OS2 mailinglist Lewis Rosenthal" <>

I am looking arround for a new laptop for software development,
and allthough not structly needed, it would be really nice if
it could run eCS as well :-)

I noticed that the newer high end Lenovos use an Intel 5300 chipset,
is this supported by Genmac already ?

If not, I guess I can always run eCS in a virtual machine,
but native would be nice too.

I plan to use the system for cross-platform QT4 development,
with at least Windows, eCS and Linux as target platforms.

Regards, JvW

DFSee Home:; Jan van Wijk;  Author of DFSee -

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