os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com Messaggio archiviato #6568

Da: "Andy Willis" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> Intestazioni complete
Messaggio non codificato
Oggetto: Re: [OS2Wireless] Driver Problem
Data: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 12:49:14 -0700
A: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>

Thomas Dennis wrote:
Andy Willis wrote:
Did the A22M have a pccard slot or just pcmcia slot?

What's the difference?
It's listed in the Hardware Manager as a Card Bus.
It uses a TI chip as the controller. Does that help?

PCCard is 32 bit and pcmcia is 16 bit (AIUI).  The difference we care about though is that genmac will not work with pcmcia, only pccard.

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