os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com Messaggio archiviato #6628

Da: "Lewis G Rosenthal" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> Intestazioni complete
Messaggio non codificato
Oggetto: Re: [OS2Wireless] GenMac driver
Data: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 09:47:14 -0500
A: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>


On 02/24/10 07:16 am, Thomas Dennis thus wrote :

Yes, have confirmed in two places that that this D-Link card uses the
168C:0023 value.  By the PCI snooper and in the Win Registry.

We have come another step forward.
Under the GenMacs sign-on message when booting we now have the following:

Loaded for device : Unsupported DEVICE!!!  [168C:0023]  (WRND32$)

Looks right.
I think that means that the s/w is now able to use the W168Cx0023.nif and
the PROTOCOL.ini files and that they are probably as good as you are going
to get them.
The proof of the pudding will be whether NETBIND is able to run without hanging and whether you can actually carry traffic. Once you can confirm that, then you should run netio (download the OS/2 version from here: http://www.ars.de/ars/ars.nsf/docs/netio ) and get some objective measurements of performance.


Good work!

Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE
Rosenthal & Rosenthal, LLC                www.2rosenthals.com
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