Mailing List Archived Message #6650

From: "Andy Willis" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless] OT: Other OSes (was: Re: [OS2Wireless] DHCP: how to force a lease renewal ?)
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2010 21:16:14 -0700
To: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <>

Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:

As this isn't an advocacy list, I really don't want to get into a
detailed response. I'm glad your computing needs are being met, whatever
platform you choose to use. For me, one OS doesn't do everything I need,
so I run several different ones. There's the philosophy of the ONE
overarching platform which does everything, and which every device
should use, just so that everything "looks" the same. Then there's the
philosophy which postulates that it is usually best to find the best
tool for a given job, and given that that job may change from day to
day, hour to hour, and machine to machine, I find that "looking" the
same isn't all that important. I mean, a screwdriver doesn't look much
like a circular saw, but when you need to tighten just *one* Philips
head, it's a good thing that the saw isn;t the only thing in your toolbox!

But if all you have is a hammer then everything looks like a nail :-) Was going to use a sawzall analogy :->

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