Hello Rick,
On Sun, 11 Feb 2007 06:14:49 -0800 (PST), Rick R. wrote:
>I think that's highly appropriate.
>Not just because running an eCS/OS/2 group on
>none-OS/2 systems would make the whole thing the
>laughing stock of the Internet, but also because
>Windoze servers are known to intentionally mess up
>none-Windoze systems by introducing just enough
>none-standard overhead into protocols to make all hell
>breal loose.
They are not using a window server, but BSD.
>From the same newsletter:
After years of running the web server on OS/2 I decided to move to FreeBSD
as a server OS for various reasons which I would like to explain because
some people do not seem to understand that:
- My daytime job is administrating servers, most servers I run are
FreeBSD so I know this OS pretty well
- netlabs.org provides mainly software for the desktop. I prefer to
invest time in organizing netlabs.org itself than debugging issues on the
server just because most of the software I run on the server are made for
Unix (TRAC, Subversion, Apache...) and might not work on OS/2 that easy
- I do much more on this server than just providing basic services like a
little bit of PHP & MySQL. We use quite a bunch of software on this server,
see http://wiki.netlabs.org/index.php/R2-d2 if you are interested in the
- FreeBSD works just fine on this dualcore AMD CPU and because the server
is in Hamburg (Germany) and I live in Biel (Switzerland) I didn't feel like
experimenting on new hardware
- we simply have much more important things to discuss than the OS of
netlabs.org. Talk about Voyager for example! :-)