os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com Messaggio archiviato #6779

Da: "Mike O'Connor" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> Intestazioni complete
Messaggio non codificato
Oggetto: Re: [OS2Wireless] connected to home WiFi but not communicating
Data: Sun, 04 Apr 2010 23:00:32 +1000
A: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>

On 2010-04-04 21:17, Dave Saville wrote:
On Sun, 04 Apr 2010 05:57:13 -0400 Phil Parker wrote:
Turning the radio off and on gets me connected at 80% signal strength, but my
two eCS machines don't see each other. The new one is the T43 with RC7
(silver) and the old one is a minitower with 1.25+.

Neither sees the other via "net view" on the command line or via the Servers
list in "Create a connection".

Now what stupid thing have I done wrong?

Assuming they can ping each other :-)

Does not a machine have to be actively sharing something for "net view"
to find it? Same domain?

Hi Dave, Phil,

Whether it is actively sharing something only changes the results of the next step in "net view". That initial command should show up a list of server machines' UNC addresses,

It's only when one appends one of those UNC addresses to the command e.g. 'net view \\anotherOS2' that you get to view available shares on that other machine, or not, depending upon whether any have been started (yet) on the other, and whether the UID/pwd is configured on the other.

For instance: The other machines on the LAN aren't currently powered up - and the T43 is displaying the Setup Screens menu;

[2GB RAM X:\DESKTOP]net view
Server Name            Remark
\\SILVER-250-X         Silver-RC7 on HP#1-250-X
The command completed successfully.

Sun  4/04/2010 22:55:07.36 AEST
[2GB RAM X:\DESKTOP]net view \\SILVER-250-X
Shared resources at \\SILVER-250-X
Silver-RC7 on HP#1-250-X

Netname      Type         Used as  Comment
WPI          Disk
XDRIVE       Disk                  Silver-250-X
The command completed successfully.

Sun  4/04/2010 22:55:23.71 AEST

So above is just what is visible currently (itself).


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