Message #680 des archives de la Liste

De: "madodel" <> En-têtes complèts
Message brut
Sujet: Re: [OS2Wireless]Re: Netlabs
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2007 17:35:55 -0500
À: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <>

Massimo wrote:
madodel wrote:
Rick R. wrote:

I believe that the problem here is another, Mark your opinion regard my person
is wellknow into the Community as you attacked me more than one times in the past
without any real serious reason.


This entire thread doesn't belong on this list.  My comment was written before your post appeared, and was to defend an OS/2 community resource from being maligned.  It had nothing to do with you and you weren't referred to anywhere in it.  If you feel the need to defend your past or present actions, that is fine, but leave me out of it.



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