os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com ?????????????? ????? #6827

???: "Hakan" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> ?? ????
??: Re: [OS2Wireless] Tracerte, Delays and Unreachable Site
??: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 20:47:28 -0400 (EDT)
??: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>

I can now add that I am now on another (cabled) network connection,
also using Verizon but a different, older Westell DSL modem. Between
the computer and the Westell modem is a Cisco 3500XL managed switch.
Here, the average ping time is 100 ms and nslookup works fine using
either the domain name or the IP address. Tracerte, however, still
cannot supply any information beyond the DSL modem here.

Is the eCS tracerte application somehow incompatible with the Verizon

On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 20:42:22 -0400 (EDT), Hakan wrote:

>Leon,On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 20:04:26 -0400, Leon D. Zetekoff wrote:
>>hi there...what is the default route on the ecs box?
>>what is the DNS servers on ecs set to?
>Is this relevant? As I said below, I can use my browser to get to the
>initial salesforce.com screen and I have no problem browsing 100 other
>sites which suggests that the DNS server must supply appropriate
>information, or?
>>On 04/14/2010 07:10 PM, Hakan wrote:
>>> Base Case
>>> I am unable to use tracerte to trace the route to salesforce.com from
>>> my T43p laptop running evS 1.2R connected to Verizon's network via a
>>> Netgear Wireless-N 300 Router (WNR2000v2) and then a Westell DSL modem.
>>> Tracerte does not supply me with any information after the 2nd hop
>>> which is the Westell modem, after that it simply displays '*' at each
>>> hop. Pinging salesforce.com from the same computer shows a time of 240
>>> ms. Browsing this particular site in Firefox 3.5.9 or 3.6.3 is slow and
>>> inconsistent, meaning that the pages do not always load and many
>>> attempts have to be made to successfully load a page. I can reach other
>>> websites fine. Nslookup fails with the following message:
>>> *** Can't find server name for address Non-existent
>>> host/domain
>>> *** Default servers are not available
>> must be the netgear and looks like it is being used as a
>>local DNS. Where does it get DNS from?
>>let's tart with this stuff/
>>> A machine running Windows connected to the same Netgear router and
>>> Westell DSL modem traces the route in 11 hops. Pinging salesforce.com
>>> shows here a consistent time of 85 ms. No problems browsing. Nslookup
>>> results in the same error message as above but also displays the IP
>>> address of salesforce.com.
>>> All of the above is also true, on both machines, when trying to reach
>>> the IP address,, directly.
>>> Case 2
>>> I connected the T43p running eCS directly to the Netgear router using a
>>> cable and rebooted. I am still not able to trace the route to
>>> salesforce.com, nor is nslookup any more helpful than above, either
>>> when looking up the domain or using the above IP address. However, and
>>> importantly, the ping time is now down to 80 ms on this system as well.
>>> The conclusion is that using this particular wireless adapter under eCS
>>> (and on this particular computer) results in a signficant degradation
>>> in latency.
>>> Scenario 3
>>> I now connected the T43p directly to the Westell DSL modem. The ping
>>> time stays at 80 ms, nslookup now works correctly (for both the domain
>>> and the IP address with no error messages) but tracerte still does not
>>> show any valid information beyond the Westell DSL modem.
>>> Can anyone suggest the reason for any or all of the above? A setting in
>>> the Netgear router which is not entirely compatible with eCS? An effect
>>> of using the Genmac driver where the communication is so slow that
>>> something times out at a low level? Something not compatible in the DSL
>>> modem or elsewhere on the Verizon network? Something else?
>>> Many thanks.
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