os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com ?????????????? ????? #685

???: "Rick R." <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> ?? ????
??: Re: [OS2Wireless]Re: Netlabs
??: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 06:41:12 -0800 (PST)
??: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>

Every Systems Admin worth his money should be able to
maintain at least half a dozen platforms side by side.

Its called being flexible and the hallmark of every
good systems manager.

I fail to see why your friend claims its such a big
hassle, when countless others can work in heterogenous
environments just fine.

I can see how it makes his live easier.
Yes I can see that. I just can't see where it says
that a good Systems Admin is supposed to take the easy
road at the expense of integrity.

--- Dave Saville <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>

> On Sun, 11 Feb 2007 21:06:28 -0800 (PST), Rick R.
> wrote:
> >I think is says A LOT if even the folks at Netlabs
> >think that OS/2 is not up to the job :-(
> They never said that - and I *did* see the smiley.
> The reason is that Adrian
> manages *nix farms for a living and it saves him
> having to change gear every
> time he needs to alter/fix something - especially if
> he is doing it from his
> work environment. Supporting two different OSs and
> their clutch of server
> programs - slightly different for each platform,
> from a workstation on one is a
> right PITA - Been there, done that, got the scars.
> --
> Regards
> Dave Saville
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