os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com ?????????????? ????? #750

???: "Lewis G Rosenthal" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> ?? ????
??: Re: [OS2Wireless]Re: Netlabs
??: Thu, 15 Feb 2007 10:03:59 -0500
??: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>

Per my previous warning, Rick has been banned for an unspecified period of time.

Rick, if you are desirous of regaining your posting privileges, please contact me by email or send a personal apology to Christian with a cc to me. Your first post back on this list will be a public apology to the subscribers.

In lieu of that, I will make a determination at some point in time as to when (or if) I will reinstate your privileges.

Christian, please accept *my* sincere apologies for Rick's post. I will strike it from the archives at my first opportunity. Please do not feel obliged to reply or respond in any way.

While this is an unmoderated list, nobody should misconstrue that to mean unrestrained and undisciplined. The rules of acceptable behavior apply (always), and while I understand that tempers do flare from time to time, that is no excuse for personal attacks. In addition, I clearly stated that the next post to this thread would be met with a ban. It's my list; get used to it.

If anyone has any comment on my action in this regard, please start a separate thread. I welcome criticism on this, as I have *never* had to resort to such a drastic measure before.

Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE
Rosenthal & Rosenthal, LLC
Accountants / Network Consultants
 New York / Northern Virginia           www.2rosenthals.com
eComStation Consultants                  www.ecomstation.com
Novell Users Int'l       www.novell.com/openenterpriseserver
Need a managed Wi-Fi hotspot?               www.hautspot.com

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