os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com ?????????????? ????? #788 | ????? |
Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:
Chris, TCP/IP does not appear to be bound to your Wi-Fi adapter in
PROTOCOL.INI (probably as a direct result of the InJoy virtual adapter
being bound to your Wi-Fi card, and then having to communicate with
GenMAC via the InJoy adapter):
Thanks again Lewis, I'll try as you suggest later on today on the T43
when I get back to that location.
For Injoy to work I believe it needs its virtual or wrapper adapter to
be the 'conduit' to the actual Genmac Wifi adapter.
For what it's worth, here's a protocol.ini from a T20 (working setup)
using the Cisco 350 Wifi PCMCIA card and Xwlan and Injoy.
T20 protocol.ini
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