On Sat, 24 Feb 2007 17:44:25 -0600, Stuart Updike wrote:
>As Andy said, 7iu601us.exe is Windows Installshield program which simply
>unpacks the 20 or so files. I have done that and can forward them to
>you if you like. Is your computer one of the above listed ones? It
>would be nice if Serenity could unpack and zip these TP Utility files
>and make them available on eComStation.com. WRT installing, once you
>have the files unpacked, you can then follow the instructions in the TXT
>I have also compiled all of the little help blurbs you get when you type
>PS2 (parameter) ? into a single DOC file for easy reference and I have
>created a set of BAT files which simplify some common operations such as
>setting Custom AC and Custom DC settings.
>If anyone else is interested, I could zip and upload all, but to where?
I could let you have some space on www.ecomstation.co.uk if you can't use anywhere further up the supply chain (Mensys or Serenity?). I presume
it's not going to be a huge amount of space?