Mailing List Archived Message #89

From: "Bob" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless] VOT (very off-topic)
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 10:52:04 -0800
To: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <>

** Reply to message from "Mark Henigan" <> on
Wed, 13 Feb 2008 04:22:18 -0800

> In another setting I would
> have probably paid the telephone company to have
> some poor fool crawl around in the attic or some
> other space where they could run the cable while
> contracting pulmonary histoplasmosis or
> coccidiomycosis from the pigeon droppings.

I doubt any telephone company worker would have gone into the attic.  I already
had a wire (single pair) going into a room and wanted to add a second line in
that room only.  The telephone installers (from Verizon CA) would not go into
the attic, they wanted to punch a hole through the wall of a second story room
and run the extra pair outside the house.  So I went into the attic and pulled
a new multi pair wire using the old single pair from that room to the attic and
spliced the wires myself while the telephone workers (at least they let me use
their tools) sat waiting for me to finish so they could test the line.

Robert Blair

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