Mailing List Archived Message #891

From: "madodel" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless]Re: Cardbus 802.11g card with WPA for eCS or Linux?
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 16:41:56 -0400
To: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <>

Stuart Updike wrote:
madodel wrote:

Does this only work with TP's?  I'm not sure if the Mini-PCI card is also the Nic as well as the modem.  I believe it may be a combined Realtek unit. any link to where these antennas may be found?

Hi Mark,

I am on the road right now so I cannot go look for the name of the manufacturer of the card, but I believe I have an Athros mPCI card and the antenna wires which I can send you to try out.  If they work, send me $30, if not, send me the card back.  I decided not to use the card because I would have had to remove the mPCI which has the modem and wired nic on it.  The Athros card has only the wireless on it.

If you like that deal, send me your snail mail address.

Stu Updike
Bedford, Texas


I finally found the documentation for the laptop and it says the mini-PCI card is for a wireless 802.11b card so maybe the modem and network card are builtin to the motherboard.  I know there is no wireless card in this model, and in fact the pdf shows a different set of LEDs on it then is on my laptop so I suppose that some models did come with builtin wireless and some didn't.

The problem is that I have to disassemble the laptop to get to the mini-PCI card connector to see what is in there.  I have tried taking out the keyboard on this thing before and it was a horrible job that I never fully accomplished.  I will try taking it apart later this week when I have a few hours to mess with it.  It may already have the antennae builtin.  I will let you know.  I appreciate the offer.



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