Mailing List Archived Message #944

From: "Ed Durrant" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless]The 'Final' Nail in WEP's Coffin?
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2007 07:55:05 +1000
To: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <>

Carl Gehr wrote:
On Sat, 7 Apr 2007 15:29:19 -0700, Neil Waldhauer wrote:

On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 17:42:34 -0400 (EDT), "Carl Gehr"
<> wrote:

Either eCS provides support, or users will find that they
can no longer attach to any wireless site that cares about a
secure network.
I'm sure that's true, but in several years of using wireless on eCS, I haven't
encountered a public, secure network.

The current GenMac/XWLan is quite nice for using public, unsecured wireless. I
use it often.


Neil, While you are certainly correct about 'hot spot' access, there is the
implication in the article that WEP is/should be removed from any APs
that are sold in the future in order to encourage better security.

So, let's say I want to improve the speed of MY network from the
802.11b that I currently have, to 802.11g.  I need a new router/AP, but
it does not support WEP, only WPA2 to promote a more secure
environment.  Of course, when I make the router/AP change, I would
expect to use my new TPad T60s that support 'g' access and WPA2.
       Oops!  Cannot do this because neither the Intel PRO/1000
              [8086:109A] nor the Intel 3945 a/b/g  [8086h:4227h]
              adapters.  [OT for this list, but no audio support
              either; applicable because it is a project
              as are the two network adapters.]

How does eCS exist should this happen?


Hi Carl,
Another point to consider is that all of the common route/APs have open source patched code that one can install in place of the manufacturers code to improve performance, get extra features etc. The Open Source community being what it is, I would find it unlikley that they would remove a feature from their code. Manufacturers may do this for commercial reasons but I would be surprised to see the Open Source community do this. As this source is free access, if you had to, you could pay for WEP support to be added anyway.



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