Mailing List Archived Message #946

From: "Stuart Updike" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless]Re: Wireless printer connection ?
Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2006 18:48:08 -0500
To: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <>

Kris Steenhaut wrote:

John Clemente schreef:


As it turns out the driver is in C:\os2\dll and all I had to do was to do was an "install new port" and point to OS2\dll and pick out the driver.

I'm getting an error message the port can't be installed.

Any idea what I could be missing?

Hi Kris,

Please verify that you have SLPR.PDR in ?:\OS2\DLL. If it is there, I don't have any idea what you can do, but if it is not there, I would suggest that you go to eComStation and download the SLPR driver from the "Download the latest software and updates" link and install it. In fact, you might try this even if SLPR.PDR is on your machine. Reinstalling may cure your problem.

All the best!

Stu Updike
Bedford, Texas

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