Mailing List Archived Message #951

From: Lewis G Rosenthal Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: List archives now migrated to CommuniGate Pro
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2006 00:04:49 -0400
To: OS/2 Wireless Users, OS/2 NetWare Users

A quick bit of administrivia:

With the much appreciated and expert assistance of my good friend, Steven Levine,  I have managed to get all of the older list archives migrated from the Inet.Mail Pro List2Web pages over to the CommuniGate Pro archives, so that everything from the inception of the list is now in one searchable location.

The older archives have been modified to conform to the convention we've adopted of obscuring the sender's email address by replacing it with the list address.

In addition, users will be automatically redirected when attempting to access the old pages, and in time, the older unmodified pages should expire from  Google's cache (even the Internet Wayback Machine doesn't seem to have a good cache of the old pages) and everyone should enjoy some level of anonymity, heretofore unknown around these parts. :-)

To access the OS/2 Wireless Users archives, the url is
To access the OS/2 NetWare Users archives, the url is

(N.B.: The CommuniGate Pro default unsecure port is 8100 - the above links should redirect automatically - , so those of you behind firewalls may have to do some tweaking to access these pages.)

Enjoy, and thanks again, everyone, for your active participation. that's what makes these lists such valuable resources.

Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE
Rosenthal & Rosenthal, LLC
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 New York / Northern Virginia 
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